Low Cost Install & Customisation
This Hotel Wordpres Software provides modern methods for content addition Every Sitges Web Design theme comes with a file called custom.css. That file enables you to fairly easy customize the look of your site. Instead of finding specific css files you can just input the class name and new properties in the custom.css file. [templ_msg_box type=”info”] custom.css cannot work if it”s not activated. Activation path differs from theme to theme, here are some pointers on how to activate it [/templ_msg_box] Older Sitges Web Design themes (Specialist, Hospitality, etc): wp-admin -> Appearance -> Theme options area -> General Settings -> Customize Your Design Sitges Web Design eCommerce themes (eMarket, Emporium, E-commerce, etc) wp-admin -> Shopping Cart -> Design Settings -> General Settings -> Customize Your Design Newer Sitges Web Design themes; themes using Sitges Web Design framework (DailyDeal, Appointment, GeoPlaces, etc) wp-admin -> Theme Settings -> Basic Settings -> Style and Color Settings -> Use Custom Stylesheet or wp-admin -> Theme Settings -> Basic Settings -> General Settings -> Use Custom Stylesheet Themes powered by Supreme (Nightlife, CoolCart, Catalog, etc) wp-admin -> Appearance -> Themes -> Customize button -> Sitges Web Design Theme Settings -> Use custom css After you activate custom.css you can add your new css classes under Appearance -> Editor -> custom.css (it will be listed under stylesheet files in the bottom right corner). If you prefer editing your files using FTP, you should be able to find custom.css in your theme root folder. If you already have the correct code you can paste it in the file and hit “Update File”. If you don”t know the name of the class you have to edit you must use Firebug. If you”re new to Firebug be sure to read our Firebug tutorial -> Make sure that the code you”re adding/pasting is added below the existing content. In other words, after the */ closing comment tag. If you add your code before that tag it will be commented out and will not work. For more information about custom.css you can watch the following video tutorial. Read more…
Works with the Powerful Supreme parent theme
Supreme is a child theme which works on top of our Supreme parent theme which also powers our other recent themes With 3.0 release, WordPress has introduced a new user interface to help manage navigation menus, which simply means you’ll get a new page with some tools on it to help you add, delete, and arrange links. To utilize this feature, you must first activate it. Without activation, your menu management page will display nothing, but an error. If it’s currently inactive, in your WordPress administration panel, go to Appearance > Menus to see the error. How to Activate WordPress 3.0 Menu Management Add the following code to the functions.php file of your theme. [php]if (function_exists(‘add_theme_support’)) { add_theme_support(‘menus’); } [/php] While add_theme_support(‘menus’); is enough to activate the Menu Management page, the additional code around this necessary line makes sure if later or earlier versions of WordPress doesn’t have this feature then it will simply do nothing and cause no error. What the code above means: The code above simply means if the Add Theme Support function exists, use that function to add Menus feature. If it doesn’t exist, do nothing. Step by Step Open theme folder and find functions.php. Open functions.php using Notepad or text editor of your choice. Copy and paste the code above. File > Save functions.php Where to place the code If the functions.php file of your theme is messy or you don’t really know where to place the code, go to the end of functions.php and paste the code before: [php]?>[/php] A question mark immediately next to a right arrow marks the end of a set of codes. The last combination of question mark and right arrow in the file marks the end of the file. Normally, if you add any code right before the file ends, you’d have no problem. In the rare case that your theme has a functions.php file, but it’s empty, copy and paste the following code: [php]<?php if (function_exists(‘add_theme_support’)) { add_theme_support(‘menus’); } ?>[/php] This set of codes is only slightly different from what you were first given. The additional [php]<?php[/php] and [php]?>[/php] at the beginning and ending of this set of codes means start PHP and end PHP. You may close functions.php. For the rest of this tutorial, you don’t need it. Read more…